Federal Recognition of MFTs

  • HRSA Recognizes MFTs as Core Mental Health Professionals
    The Public Health Service Act recognizes marriage and family therapists as a core mental health profession under the Health Professional Shortage Area and the National Health Service Corps programs administered by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA).  The program identifies geographic areas that have a shortage of mental health professionals.  Other core professionals are psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, and psychiatric nurse specialists. (42 CFR Part 5)
  • DoT Recognizes MFTs as Eligible for Substance Abuse Program
    The Department of Transportation (DoT) has opened up eligibility for the Substance Abuse Program (SAP) to all licensed or certified Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs).  MFTs are now eligible to participate in SAP credentialing in all 50 states, and can evaluate any of the approximately 12.1 million people performing safety-sensitive transportation jobs who are covered by DoT drug and alcohol regulations.
  • NHSC Recognizes MFTs as Behavioral and Mental Health Professionals
    The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) defines marriage and family therapy as a “behavioral and mental health professional” for purposes of participating in the NHSC Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs.  These programs are designed to provide health care services to underserved populations.   (42 U.S.C. 254d)
  • DOD Recognizes MFTs as Health Care Providers
    The Department of Defense identifies marriage and family therapists as “health-care professionals” who are authorized to provide direct patient care and who may contract with the DoD for personal service contracts. (10 USCS § 1094   & 10 USCS § 1091) 
  • DOE Recognizes MFTs for School Early Intervention Services
    The Department of Education, in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, designates marriage and family therapists as qualified providers of early intervention services to infants and toddlers with a disability.  (20 U.S.C.A § 1432)
    CHAMPUS/TRICARE, the federal health care program for members of the uniformed services and their families, reimburses MFTs as independent extramedical individual providers who do counseling or nonmedical therapy. (32 CFR 199.6 / TRICARE Standard Provider Handbook)
  • Department of Defense Reimburses MFTs
    The Department of Defense identified MFTs as clinical practitioners eligible for credentialing and independent privileging in DON Family Service Centers and Family Advocacy Program Centers. (SECNAVINST 1754.7)
  • Veterans Affairs Recognizes MFTs
    The Department of Veterans Affairs permits hiring of MFTs.  (38 USC § 7401(3); VA Mental Health Handbook 5005/101).
  • Indian Health Service Recognizes MFTs
    The Indian Health Service authorizes licensed marriage and family therapists to provide mental health care services to Indians in a clinical setting, along with psychologists and social workers.  (25 U.S.C.A. § 162h(l))

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