Membership Consultations

As a prospective member or current member of AAMFT you might have questions about the membership application process.  What courses are acceptable toward the educational requirements? Or if a current or past supervisor would be accepted toward the clinical requirements for membership. The AAMFT membership evaluation staff are here to assist you.

Consultation Time and Contact Information

Prospective members or current members can now schedule a telephone appointment with an AAMFT staff person to assist with your membership evaluation questions. You can contact our AAMFT staff using one of the following methods:
  • Use the following link to schedule a membership phone consultation between Tuesday through Thursday at the following Consultation Link. Please note that you must call the number provided in the confirmation email at the time scheduled. If you cannot make the appointment, please cancel the appointment so that others may be able to access that time period.
  • You can also send an email with questions to

Membership consultations are available for a 15-minute time period on the following days:

  • Monday not available
  • Tuesday between 10:30 am to 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday between 10:30 am to 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)
  • Thursday between 10:30 am to 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)
  • Friday not available

If AAMFT staff is unavailable to take a call when it comes in, you can send a an email message to or visit the Consultation Link. When leaving an email message, please provide your name, AAMFT ID number, a phone number with area code, and some available times so that AAMFT staff can reach you at your convenience. Requests for consultations will be responded to as soon as possible, in the order they were received.

Special Note: The AAMFT membership staff cannot provide information on what your state or provincial licensure board will accept for your state license or provincial registration. Each state and province have passed laws, plus rules and regulations for the practice of mental health in their respective areas.  Only the state or provincial offices can provide information on what they will accept for their license or registration process. To learn more about the state licensure or provincial registration process in your area, please feel free to use the State/Provincial Resource link. This site also has direct links to the office websites for contact information.


There are different AAMFT membership applications, depending on the training and experience of an applicant. Click on "read more" for a full description of each AAMFT membership category to help you determine the category that applies to you.

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