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Showing 11 - 20 of 47 Results

Cultural Neuroscience: Child and Adolescent Brain Developmnt

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Manijeh Daneshpour, PhD; Iman Dadras, PhD Cultural neuroscience has the potential to shed light on how social and cultural contexts interact with brain development. Drawing on insights from psychology, sociology, and anthropology this presentation focuses on children and adolescent brain and discusses cultural context of neuroscience research to examine critical ways that marriage and family therapists can utilize this information in working with families.
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Effectively Working With Sexual Assault Void of Bias

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Samantha E. Heuwagen; Christopher K. Belous, PhD Why are some therapists afraid to tackle the complexities of working with sexual assault survivors and untangling the web of traumas? Through supervision, personal therapy, and discussions with colleagues, clinicians can overcome their own bias and limitations surrounding sex and sexual trauma. This presentation will encourage and discuss evidence based, sex positive approaches to working with sexual trauma.
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Emotional Focused Couples Therapy with Bipolar Partner

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Regina Bordieri, PsyD; Sesen Negash, PhD Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness causing unusually intense and dramatic shifts in mood and energy. Few systemic interventions exist for the treatment of bipolar disorder, despite its effect on family members. This presentation will identify the unique needs of couples coping with bipolar disorder and propose a modified version of Emotionally Focused Therapy for working with these couples.
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Ethical Issues and Strategies for Practice in Healthcare

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Jennifer L. Hodgson, PhD; Tai J Mendenhall, PhD; Angela L. Lamson, PhD Working in a healthcare setting means applying your ethical principles in different ways. In fact, some professions are developing separate codes of ethics just for their members who are practicing in integrated behavioral health care settings. This workshop will compare and contrast the multidisciplinary codes of ethics commonly found in healthcare settings and highlight opportunities for shared understanding and possible differences. Case scenarios written by MFTs who have practiced in medical settings for years will highlight some of the potential challenges and lessons learned.
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Ethical Issues for MFT Practice and Supervision

Speaker(s): Lisa Tedeschi, Ben Caldwell, Bill Northey, Lisa Rene Reynolds, Lori Limacher This panel presentation will explore contemporary ethical issues in emerging and evolving therapy contexts. Resources for remaining current will be provided. Topics will include: Technology issues in therapy and supervision including communication modes and social media; networking and referral groups; coaching; online review sites; and combining therapy with non-therapy businesses (such as yoga and product sales). Frequently asked questions and common causes of complaints will be reviewed.
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Families Living with ASD: Integrating MFT in Systems

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Brie A. Turns, PhD; Nicole P. Springer, PhD Families living with Autism typically seek services focusing on treatment for the diagnosed child, leaving the remaining family members to manage interpersonal struggles without sufficient support. This workshop will highlight key therapeutic competencies for working with the family, by applying systemic interventions to dynamics these families often face, and direct clinicians on how to collaborate with other systems of care.
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Family Adaptations to Brain Injury: Thinking with Speedbumps

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): James Ungvarsky and Sharon Trivette Working with families whose military member has experienced a mild or moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI) presents unique challenges to the family therapist. Family members are concerned that “this isn’t the same person who left for deployment”. Therapists are often perplexed due to the intermittent and inconsistent behavioral and cognitive manifestations of an mTBI. This session explores the intersection of mTBI and PTSD and potential impacts on family interactions. It includes a fast-paced experiential activity allowing participants to gain insights from the brain injured perspective and offers proposed family interventions.
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Family Therapy with Law Enforcement Couples

Speaker(s): Avery Campbell and Ashley Landers Law enforcement (LE) couples experience stressors that are unique to the LE profession's culture. This forum illuminates the complex experiences of LE couples, and implications for MFTs working with LE couples will be explored. The experiences of LE couples, current research, and MFT models will offer guidance to MFT practice.
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I Have Something To Tell You: Conversations of Sexual Abuse

CE Credits: 1.25 Speaker(s): Aaron M. Norton, PhD; Catherine V. Boynton, MS; Dolores M. Gonzalez; Jasmine N. Moore This workshop will help new and experienced therapists process childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in family therapy. It will review fundamental knowledge and techniques in working with child victims of sexual abuse using several art and drama therapy tools to increase their efficacy when working with families of children who have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
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Integrative Model of Affair Recovery

Credits: 1 Speakers: Tina Timm, PhD and Adrian Blow, PhD

Infidelity is one of the most difficult presenting issues in couple therapy because of the emotional intensity, the complicated systemic issues, and the lack of evidence-based treatments on which to rely. There is evidence that infidelity has a significant attachment basis, and certainly can be conceptualized as an attachment injury in relationships. The presenters will describe a relational approach to treatment based in post-traumatic growth theory and attachment theory, showing how couples can grow stronger after the experience. The emphasis will be upon providing clinicians with key principles that are necessary for working with these couples and will integrate the latest research on mindfulness and self-compassion to help rebuild trust, foster secure attachment, and restore a connecting sexual relationship.
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