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Doing Well While Doing Good: What You Can Do as a MFT

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Anne H. Rambo, PhD; Tommie V. Boyd, PhD The master's degree in marriage and family therapy is a highly marketable degree in a variety of settings, yet recent graduates are at times unaware of their options. Participants will learn the results of a nationwide survey of MFT graduates and hear about a wide range of of employment possibilities. The presenters will discuss career tracks, pros and cons of each, and how to access opportunities nationwide.
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Don't Think, but Observe: SFBT and Buddhist Well-Being

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Mariana Falconier; Diane R. Gehart, PhD Mindfulness skills are used increasingly in therapy and can enhance wellbeing of clients and therapists. This presentation will explore integrating mindfulness and Buddhist psychology principles in solution-focused brief therapy and related postmodern approaches. This workshop will explore the points of connection and identify mindfulness-based applications for solution-oriented therapy.
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DSM-5: An Introduction for MFTs

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Diane R. Gehart, PhD The DSM-5, released in the spring of 2013, has resulted in many changes to the way that diagnoses are done. This webinar provides an introduction to the new DSM for MFTs including a history of the changes and the future direction of diagnosis. It reviews the re-organization of the manual and the new specifier and ICD codes. Viewers will receive an introduction to level-1 and level-2 cross cutting assessments as well as cultural formation and gender/cultural considerations in the new manual. The perfect introduction to the DSM-5 for MFTs!
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DSM-5: Diagnosing Children and Adolescents

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Diane R. Gehart, PhD The DSM-5, released in spring 2013, resulted in many changes to the way that diagnoses are done. To help navigate these new changes, AAMFT developed a series of training webinars where our expert host, Diane Gehart, PhD, leads you through the most important aspects for MFTs and answers your questions! This webinar reviews autism spectrum disorder, learning disorders, ADHD, conduct and oppositional defiant disorders, eating disorders, and psychotic disorders.
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DSM-5: Diagnosing Substance and Somatic Disorders

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Diane R. Gehart, PhD As part of AAMFT's training series, join our expert host, Diane Gehart, PhD as we review changes to the new DSM-5 and their effect on diagnosing substance and somatic disorders.
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Effective Use of Psychopharmacology for the MFT

CE Credits: 3.00 Speaker(s): W. David Robinson, PhD; Adam C. Jones; Braden J. Brown; Nathan C Taylor; Paul R. Springer, PhD Many MFTs are still hesitant to recommend psychopharmacological agent to their clients. This is due partly to inadequate training in most MFT programs. The presenters will review the research behind combined (therapy and medications) for many of the common conditions MFTs see in their practice. We will also discuss the utilization of common medications and the common ethical concerns.
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Effectively Working With Sexual Assault Void of Bias

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Samantha E. Heuwagen; Christopher K. Belous, PhD Why are some therapists afraid to tackle the complexities of working with sexual assault survivors and untangling the web of traumas? Through supervision, personal therapy, and discussions with colleagues, clinicians can overcome their own bias and limitations surrounding sex and sexual trauma. This presentation will encourage and discuss evidence based, sex positive approaches to working with sexual trauma.
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CE Credits: 1.25 Speaker(s): Denise E. Flori, PhD This webinar will increase knowledge about eldercare providers as family members: Who they are, what they do, for how long and with what impact. The presenter will also review the challenges and experiences caregivers often face as an eldercare provider.
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Eligibility Criteria for Standards 12

Speaker(s): Daniel R. Lord, PhD As of January 2016, programs applying for accreditation will need to demonstrate compliance with Version 12 Accreditation Standards, which now includes a new initial step in the accreditation process - the submission of Eligibility Criteria. The webinar discusses how programs should interpret and meet the requirements of the Eligibility Criteria for Accreditation Standards Version 12 and addresses the questions below: " What types of documentation will I need to submit? " How will my submission be reviewed? " What is the proper format? " How are the Eligibility Criteria linked to the rest of the Standards?
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Emotional Focused Couples Therapy with Bipolar Partner

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Regina Bordieri, PsyD; Sesen Negash, PhD Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness causing unusually intense and dramatic shifts in mood and energy. Few systemic interventions exist for the treatment of bipolar disorder, despite its effect on family members. This presentation will identify the unique needs of couples coping with bipolar disorder and propose a modified version of Emotionally Focused Therapy for working with these couples.
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