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Showing 31 - 40 of 105 Results

Exploring the Horizon of MFTs Globally

CE Credits: 1.25 Speaker(s): Frank Dattilio In this era of globalization, marriage and family therapists have become connected to their international colleagues more than ever. While members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy have been instrumental in developing innovative strides in research, education, training and practice, they have much to benefit from a collegial exchange with professionals in other parts of the world who are equally contributing innovative work in these four domains.
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Family Therapy in Global Humanitarian Contexts

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Laurie L. Charles, PhD; Catalina Perdomo; Deborah Healy; Daisy A Ceja; Kathryn Dunne; Kotia K Whitaker This workshop will focus on critical issues specific to the practice of family therapy within the humanitarian sphere. Presenters offer practical information and content specific to the training, supervision, and delivery of systemic family-based services where human rights and humanitarian intervention are part of the context, with a focus on making this work accessible across a variety of settings.
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Family Therapy with Law Enforcement Couples

Speaker(s): Avery Campbell and Ashley Landers Law enforcement (LE) couples experience stressors that are unique to the LE profession's culture. This forum illuminates the complex experiences of LE couples, and implications for MFTs working with LE couples will be explored. The experiences of LE couples, current research, and MFT models will offer guidance to MFT practice.
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Gender Identity and Inclusivity in MFT Practice

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Brittany L. Robinson, PhD; Ashley L. Landers, PhD; Noah E Gagner This workshop will be an in-depth exploration of ways that MFTs can provide culturally appropriate and inclusive services to individuals and family members who may be gender nonconforming or trans*. Gender identity inclusiveness in MFT practice will be at the core of this discussion, with specific terminology, marketing practice, and affirming language being suggested.
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Guardians of the Galaxy: Guiding Youth through Grief

CE Credits: 4.00 Speaker(s): Cadmona A. Hall, PhD; Heather L. Hay, PhD This institute will provide an overview of grief and loss with an emphasis on the unique grief reactions of children utilizing a developmental perspective. Participants will increase their knowledge base connected to theory, research, and practice of clinical work with bereaved youth and their families. The presentation will provide tools for facilitating a supportive environment in the context of grief.
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How to Resolve Toxic Discourse

Speaker: Michael Gottlieb Today's increasingly partisan political climate and the division it sometimes engenders creates unique challenges for family members who find themselves on opposite sides of a particular issue. Mental health professionals must navigate between and among disputing family members, while managing their own views, thoughts, and feelings in the therapy room. While Washington DC might not seem an obvious source for guidance on this particular topic, those who live and work there must navigate these challenges daily-often hourly-as they engage with friends, colleagues, and family on all sides of a particular issue. What can be learned from that experience? And how can it be applied to therapeutic practice? No Handouts provided.
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Incorporating Technology to Improve Your Practice

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Kathleene A. Derrig-Palumbo, PhD Today's therapist is in the business of communication during an age in which communications have evolved. Adapting these new communication methods to the practice of therapy is almost necessitated by the demands of consumers who now are accustomed to these methods. Therapists should also to be aware of how technology is being used by potential clients to engage the services they need. Understanding how and where clients are seeking therapy referrals online allows therapists to reach out with marketing and advertising that is much more cost effective.
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Introduction to Trauma for MFTs

Speaker(s): Noel Casiano, Amanda Wallingsford, Sarah Kate Venison, and Reagan Smith
CE Credits: 1.25

This course is provided by the MFTs Working in Trauma Network; find out more and how to join at

This webinar is for therapists who are interested in introductory concepts related to working with trauma in the therapy setting and starting to integrate trauma-informed principles into their practice. Presenters will help therapists define and understand trauma, identify common symptoms, and conceptualize the neurological effects of trauma. The presentation will also identify key concepts of trauma-informed care and practice and allow therapists to understand and identify common current evidence-based trauma interventions.
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Invisible Losses: Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, and Genetics

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Vanessa R. Bradden, MSMFT; Michele L. Weiss, MSMFT Life is full of losses, many of which go unrecognized by others. The loss of the ability to conceive naturally, conceiving and then losing a pregnancy, sometimes multiple times, or discovering that your baby has a life-altering or even life-threatening genetic issue--these can all be invisible losses for couples. This webinar will examine the challenges that couples face in each of these scenarios and what we as practitioners can do to validate these losses for our clients. We will examine the problem systemically, look at assessment and intervention and discuss the best practices of helping our clients cope with these kinds of losses.
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JMFT: Vol 45 Issue 4 October 2019

As the most influential scholarly journal on family therapy, the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy provides marriage and family therapists with an array of articles on research, theory, clinical practice, and training in the field. With that in mind, each issue of JMFT offers empirically sound research findings and the latest in clinical wisdom as it relates to a variety of couple and family concerns.