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Showing 31 - 40 of 47 Results

Solution Focused Approach with Military Families

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Calyn Crow This workshop will address and discuss unique challenges that military families may experience. Calyn will share important aspects of therapy that members of the military indicated were important and helpful to them. This workshop will explore specific tenants of SFBT, potentially deriving the above-mentioned aspects. The audience will have an opportunity to share what experiences they have had utilizing SFBT when working with military members.
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Solution-Focused Substance Misuse Treatment

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Teri Pichot Regardless of intent, most professionals eventually find themselves working with clients who struggle with substance related issues. This population frequently presents with family, employment, legal, and other significant life disruption that can challenge the best therapist. The traditional model of treatment for addiction has a fairly low success rate and comes with high staff burnout. Come learn how SFBT effectively addresses substance related concerns in a way that empowers the client, the family, and the professional.
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Solution-Focused Techniques with Children and Their Families

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Frank N. Thomas, PhD Most assumptions and techniques of the solution-focused (SF) approach were created for individual adult or adolescent clients. This interactive workshop will expose participants to SF assumptions necessary in working with families, including collaborative goal-setting and systemic interaction that includes children, plus multiple SF techniques for use with children and their families. Practical, hands-on learning will be our focus.
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Spirituality and Ethics in Clinical Practice

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Robert W. Marrs, MS This presentation addresses ethical issues of incorporating spiritual care into clinical practice. The presenter will use the 2015 AAMFT Code of Ethics to help MFT's think through how to competently provide spiritual care both in faith-based and non-sectarian practice settings. This includes such issues as informed consent, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and working with culturally diverse clients.
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Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg: Storied Reflections

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Michele Weiner-Davis and Michael Durrant There is no doubt that since its inception, Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) has made a lasting impact on the field of psychotherapy around the globe. The success of SFBT rooted in the beliefs, tenacity, and energy of its founders, Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. Join speakers Michele Weiner-Davis and Michael Durrant as they share recollections of the development of SFBT and the early work done at the Brief Family Therapy Center. They will also share their personal stories about working with Insoo and Steve and witnessing first-hand how thier vision was so instrumental in changing the face of psychotherapy.
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Supervision and Consultation:Working in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Angela L. Lamson, PhD; Keeley J. Pratt, PhD; Jacqueline Williams-Reade, PhD There are several things that supervisors and supervisees need to know prior to working or supervising clinical work that is provided in healthcare settings. Attendees will learn how to select a supervisor who has the expertise and training needed to supervise effectively in health care contexts. Supervisors will receive training on how to adjust their style(s) and method(s) of supervision to accommodate the unique interdisciplinary clinical encounters and ethical challenges in healthcare settings.
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The Application of Solution Focus to Grief Counseling

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Joel Simon A great question for those working with soluction focus has always been how to adapt the solution focused model in multiple different settings. This is true for different losses clients may experience. This workshop explores not only how solution focus can be effectively adapted to bereavement counseling, but what useful lessons clients can teach when they are going through the grieving experience.
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The Role of Expertise: Early-Career Family Therapists

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD; Torri Y. Efron Family therapy educators have moved from encouraging new therapists to take an expert stance with clients. While helpful for working with marginalized groups, this places therapists in a difficult position when clients expect expert advice. This workshop will discuss expertise among early-career MFTs, offering specific guidance on when and how to demonstrate expertise without alienating clients or sacrificing cultural competency.
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Treating Technology Issues in Couples' Relationships

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Ronald J. Chenail, Jr., PhD; Cathy Ponczek, MFT; Melissa Schacter, DMFT; Laquana Young; Ron Osborne-Williams While technology can enhance interpersonal relationships it may also have deleterious effects on these same interactions resulting in couples seeking psychotherapy. Research suggests different technology-relationship problem patterns and what interventions work. In this seminar, participants will learn these research findings and practice how to conceptualize, treat, and assess progress when working with these couples.
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