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Showing 41 - 50 of 55 Results

Special Education and Student Achievement: A Systemic Lens

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Kathleen C. Laundy, PsyD Participants will be introduced to the value of systemic training as it relates to special education. Participants will learn about individual, family, school, community and cultural influences that can affect students with special needs over time. A model called the Longitudinal Overview of Growth in Systems (LOGs) will be employed to help guide assessment and understanding of the wide range of services that MFTs can provide to administrators, teachers, students and families in schools. Systems trained therapists provide a context-rich set of services to special education school teams, and can offer continuity to schools, students and their families across time. Early systems-based support can more comprehensively identify students in need, build needed social and emotional services to boost student resiliency, and can prevent out-of-district placements and other costly outcomes.
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Spirituality and Ethics in Clinical Practice

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Robert W. Marrs, MS This presentation addresses ethical issues of incorporating spiritual care into clinical practice. The presenter will use the 2015 AAMFT Code of Ethics to help MFT's think through how to competently provide spiritual care both in faith-based and non-sectarian practice settings. This includes such issues as informed consent, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and working with culturally diverse clients.
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Strategies for Securing a Career in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Tai J Mendenhall, PhD; Cathy M. Hudgins, PhD; Randall S. Reitz, PhD When gaining employment in a healthcare setting, it is important to know which positions to apply for, how to get past the human relations/search committee chairpersons who do not understand the scope of practice and reimbursement opportunities for MFTs, and have the self-confidence required to speak to one's training and expertise. Experienced MFTs will share with attendees a series of tips and strategies for getting past the barriers that have historically challenged all behavioral health disciplines, but MFTs particularly.
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Supporting Families When Kids are Becoming Sexually Active

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Melissa Fritchle Facing the realities of a child's sexuality can be difficult for any parent. As therapists, people turn to us for guidance on how to manage this aspect of parenting and family life. In this webinar Sex Therapist and Educator Melissa Fritchle will discuss developmental sexuality in the context of our modern life so that we can help parents be positive and proactive as their children grow into adulthood. She will outline some of the current topics families may face such as, masturbation, porn, consent, gender, STDs, birth control, abstinence. Providing diverse sex positive-therapy means focusing on ways to support parents to clarify and articulate their own ethics, fears, and hopes regarding their children's sexuality, while always considering our own counter-transference and mythologies so that we can be more effective.
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Teaching What Works: SFBT Multicultural Competencies

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Elliott E. Connie The presenter of this dynamic workshop will provide a look at other parts of the world in which SFBT research has been collected. We will discuss and provide examples of how to address cultural norms/research in effective practices. Utilizing mock therapy clips, we will be exploring differences with the miracle question, scaling, coping questions, and exceptions.
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The Evidence-Based Clinician: Paradigm for the 21st Century

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Diane R. Gehart, PhD Whether you are a critic, advocate, or confused bystander, this course is designed to expand your understanding of and personal relationship to evidence-based practices and treatments, especially those for children and families. Participants will be taken on a grand tour of the MFT evidence-based treatments, client-informed therapy, and the evidence-base for MFT theories.
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The Life Cycle of the Treatment Record

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD The days of keeping old client files in a box in your garage are (thankfully) over. This workshop will walk you through the life cycle of a modern treatment record, from initial creation to retention and eventual disposal. Specific attention will be paid to recent changes in the legal and ethical requirements surrounding electronic record-keeping.
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The Young Will See Visions and the Old will Dream Dreams

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Andrae L. Brown, PhD Despite some political, economic and social gains, an overwhelming number of urban youth face daily threats to their physical and psychological wellbeing. This keynote will explore the beauty and vitality of the modern family and its innate drive to raise healthy, talented and vibrant children. Coming of age is often seen as a universal experience; however, the journey is tempered by the intersections of race, class, gender, sexual orientation and region.
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Trauma and School Behavior: Systemic Support

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Kathleen C. Laundy, PsyD Trauma in a child and family's life can have significant impact on a student's readiness to learn. Systemic support for students with trauma histories can help mitigate the effects of trauma as well as boost achievement. The third session will address the effects of trauma on learning and the systemic treatment for trauma-based disorders in schools. Internal Family Systems (IFS), Rolland's model of Chronic Illness and other theory will be utilized to illustrate the value of systemic support to students with trauma histories and their families. The goals of this webinar are two: To appreciate the impact of trauma on academic functioning; and to support the growth of mental health teams in schools to boost student resiliency and achievement.
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Treating the Impact of Moral Injury Among Veterans

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Sebastian Perumbilly This presentation, Based on an ethnographic research design with ten U.S. veterans, will focus on broadening the definition and treatment of moral injury among veterans. Going beyond mere symptom reduction and temporary relief; and drawing from clinical research and healing traditions from various cultures, the presenter will discuss ways to clinically define, conceptualize, assess and treat moral injury among veterans.
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