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Showing 41 - 50 of 58 Results

Medical Family Therapy: Brief Therapy

CE Credits: 3.50 Speaker(s): Jacqueline Williams-Reade, PhD; Cassidy J. Freitas, PhD; Veronica P. Kuhn, PhD; As the field of healthcare expands to include mental health professionals, marriage and family therapists will have increased opportunities to participate. If you are interested in working in a medical setting or want to better understand how to address clients’ medical issues in your current practice, this presentation will introduce the primary Medical Family Therapy concepts needed to provide important assessment and intervention.
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Millennial Relationships: Finding and Keeping Love

Dating and marriage are not what they used to be. The millennial generation is shaped by the inherent struggle with desiring connection and lasting relationships paired with the challenges of the choice paradox, influence of technology, fear of commitment, and pull for independence. Is there really such thing as "'til death do us part" anymore? Millennials certainly hope so, though their actions may speak otherwise. Join us for a presentation as Liz Higgins, LMFT explores the implications and trends to consider when working systemically with Generation Y couples.
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Online Therapy: A Systemic, Ethical, and Practice Approach

Speaker(s): Aaron Norton, Jaclyn Cravens, Shelly Smith, Jennifer Labanowski As society moves into the digital age so too should the field of marriage and family therapy. Today's practicing MFTs need innovation, focused training, and education on telemental health services. Clinicians will leave this session with focused information on the systemic, practical, and ethical considerations to help them integrate online services to their practice.
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Overview of Law and Ethics

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD This webinar will explore legal and ethical issues facing marriage and family therapists today. The webinar will highlight common issues in couple and family work and review legal and ethical decision-making.
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Sexual Resensitization for Christians with Sexual Shame

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Andrew Mercurio This workshop explores the traumatized sexual mind of Christian clients troubled by sexual shame in heterosexual marriage. Sex-negative legacies, transmitted throughout the history of Christianity, will be examined along with a focus on "sexual re-sensitization" as a therapeutic goal for constructing healthier sexual narratives. Interventions will be framed by sex-positive Christian teachings and integrated with Bowenian, Contextual and Narrative therapies.
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South Carolina Fall Mini Conference 2020

CE Credits: 3.75 Speakers: Elizabeth Pratt, Elizabeth Martin, Jamesha Williams. Join us as we explore ways to facilitate competent and confident conversations around ethics, race, and self-care in the supervision relationship.

Part 1: Remember to Take Care of Yourself! Ethics and Practice of Self-Care for Therapists and Supervisors. This session will be an interactive presentation on the importance of self-care in ethical practice.

Part 2: Race and the Supervisory Relationship: Ethical Considerations. This session will be a conversation between two Marriage and Family Therapists addressing issues that frequently arise in supervision in regards to race, and how white supervisors, in particular, can increase their competence in this area and ensure ethical practices with all supervisees.

**No Handouts were Provided**

Available for Immediate Download

The Lost Boy

This session, recorded in 1984 by the American Association for marriage and Family Therapy, features Virginia Satir conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family is a large intact family with ten children whose presenting problem is the grief following the loss of one of their children who is missing a year after his abduction. During this experimental session, the family is emotionally and physically engaged through use of stairs, touch, and positioning to reflect the mourning, intersibling rivalry and distances of the father. The DVD offers an excellent demonstration of Satir's open, directive, and special style. Approx. Time: 86 minutes

Therapy Topic: Children and Divorce

Divorce propels adults and children into numerous adjustments and challenges. This pamphlet answers the questions, How can you help your children? How do you know when to seek help and What help is available for divorcing parents and children?

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet.

Each packet contains 25 brochures.

Therapy Topic: Depression

The hopelessness and helplessness that people experience when they are depressed is more than just a frame of mind -- it is an entire way of being. This pamphlet answers the questions, What are depression's effects on personal and family life? How do you know when to seek help? and What kinds of treatments are commonly used?

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet. Each packet contains 25 brochures.