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Showing 51 - 60 of 72 Results

Solution Focused Approach with Military Families

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Calyn Crow This workshop will address and discuss unique challenges that military families may experience. Calyn will share important aspects of therapy that members of the military indicated were important and helpful to them. This workshop will explore specific tenants of SFBT, potentially deriving the above-mentioned aspects. The audience will have an opportunity to share what experiences they have had utilizing SFBT when working with military members.
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Stories from Behind the Mirror and How SFT Happened

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Ms. Eve Lipchik, MSW This presentation will offer the audience a picture of the early days at the Brief Family Therapy Center from three perspectives: that of an original founder who was part of the daily clinical and theoretical discussions; that of an academician who sat behind the mirror for a year observing the process from an ethnographic perspective; and that of an academician who helped design and conduct the earliest research projects. Questions will be invited.
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Supporting Families When Kids are Becoming Sexually Active

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Melissa Fritchle Facing the realities of a child's sexuality can be difficult for any parent. As therapists, people turn to us for guidance on how to manage this aspect of parenting and family life. In this webinar Sex Therapist and Educator Melissa Fritchle will discuss developmental sexuality in the context of our modern life so that we can help parents be positive and proactive as their children grow into adulthood. She will outline some of the current topics families may face such as, masturbation, porn, consent, gender, STDs, birth control, abstinence. Providing diverse sex positive-therapy means focusing on ways to support parents to clarify and articulate their own ethics, fears, and hopes regarding their children's sexuality, while always considering our own counter-transference and mythologies so that we can be more effective.
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Teaching What Works: SFBT Multicultural Competencies

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Elliott E. Connie The presenter of this dynamic workshop will provide a look at other parts of the world in which SFBT research has been collected. We will discuss and provide examples of how to address cultural norms/research in effective practices. Utilizing mock therapy clips, we will be exploring differences with the miracle question, scaling, coping questions, and exceptions.
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The Critical Seven Cs of Resilience

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Kenneth Ginsberg If we focus only on guiding youth to avoid risk, how will they learn to excel? Focusing on what young people are doing wrong instills shame and undermines their sense of competence. Lecturing youth disempowers them, whereas listening prepares them to make decisions. To prevent risk, we must recognize their strengths, and then equip them with a repertoire of positive behaviors so they are prepared to deal with life’s inevitable adversities. This talk will first orient the participant to the Critical Seven C’s of Resilience. We’ll also discuss how to build youth competencies by facilitating adolescents’ own wise decision-making, rather than disempowering them through lectures. Parents’ critical role in monitoring in helping youth to learn self-control will also be emphasized.
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The Myth of Maternal Bliss: Perinatal Mood Disorders

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Diana Lynn Barnes, PsyD Perinatal mood disorders disrupt maternal attachment with serious repercussions for the developing infant. This session explores the psychological gestation of pregnancy as it relates to the new mother's attachment history and the quality of her attachment to her infant, looking at how trauma disrupts attachment. Symptoms, risk factors, and therapeutic models are discussed along with strategies for prevention.
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The Role of Expertise: Early-Career Family Therapists

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD; Torri Y. Efron Family therapy educators have moved from encouraging new therapists to take an expert stance with clients. While helpful for working with marginalized groups, this places therapists in a difficult position when clients expect expert advice. This workshop will discuss expertise among early-career MFTs, offering specific guidance on when and how to demonstrate expertise without alienating clients or sacrificing cultural competency.
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The Use of Play Therapy in Family Therapy

CE Credits: 4.00 Speaker(s): Trudy Post Sprunk, MEd This institute will provide participants the opportunity to learn and experience the advantages of family play therapy. It will include 20 techniques, discussion, group play opportunities, video, and lecture. Participants will explore a variety of simple and inexpensive approaches that integrate play therapy with family therapy.
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Therapy Topic: Children and Divorce

Divorce propels adults and children into numerous adjustments and challenges. This pamphlet answers the questions, How can you help your children? How do you know when to seek help and What help is available for divorcing parents and children?

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet.

Each packet contains 25 brochures.

Therapy Topic: Depression

The hopelessness and helplessness that people experience when they are depressed is more than just a frame of mind -- it is an entire way of being. This pamphlet answers the questions, What are depression's effects on personal and family life? How do you know when to seek help? and What kinds of treatments are commonly used?

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet. Each packet contains 25 brochures.