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Therapy Topic: Infidelity

The causes of infidelity are complex and varied. Reasons include low self-esteem, relationship deficits, or a social context in which infidelity is condoned. This pamphlet discusses treatment and recovery.

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet. Each packet contains 25 brochures.

Therapy Topic: Marital Distress

Everyone who is married experiences difficulties, but for some, these troubles reach the point that partners become profoundly disappointed and upset about their marriages and may even come to question whether they want to continue to remain married. Marital distress is very unsettling and the ways marital problems often progress make it easy for things to go from bad to worse.

Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet. Each packet contains 25 brochures.

Therapy Topic: MFT: Family-Friendly Mental Health

This brochure is perfect for passing out to potential clients and members of the community. It gives an overview of marriage and family therapy and answers common questions about the profession. Written for clients and potential clients, Consumer Updates are designed to educate consumers and market your services. The brochures contain easy-to-understand information and resources and discuss the role of marriage and family therapists in treating problems affecting the public. Consumer Updates have space on the back to attach a business card or imprint practice or contact information. Click here to read the entire contents of this pamphlet. Each packet contains 25 brochures.

To Refer or Treat? Ethical Decisions with LGBT Clients

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Erica E. Hartwell, PhD; Dr. Sheila M. Addison; Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD Panel: Kristen Benson; Ben Caldwell; Mike Fitzpatrick; Rashmi Gangamma; Naveen Jonathon; and Christi McGeorge For many clinicians, personal or religious beliefs about same-sex relationships or gender variance pose an ethical dilemma: refer LGBT clients to a colleague or treat them? This panel discussion will feature experienced clinicians, supervisors, and scholars offering diverse viewpoints about best practices for resolving the conflicting guidelines in the AAMFT Code of Ethics regarding scope of competence versus discrimination.
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*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Dr. Wayne M. Maines and Kelly Maines have worked extremely hard to raise their children in an environment that was not ready for a new generation of transgender children. Wayne is the Vice President of Safety and Operations at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas. He has conducted LGBTQ training for the FBI, the Department of Justice, Harvard Medical School, the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission and others across the nation.

Kelly Maines is a Social Media Specialist for a State Representative in Austin Texas. She is also a Board Member of the Rainbow Business and Professional Association in Portland, Maine. Kelly has turned her attention to taking what she has learned to introduce the world to transgender children and transgender rights. The Maines’ mission is to help provide an environment for transgender people to be safe and live in a society that is not always ready.

No handouts are provided.
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Treating the Impact of Moral Injury Among Veterans

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Sebastian Perumbilly This presentation, Based on an ethnographic research design with ten U.S. veterans, will focus on broadening the definition and treatment of moral injury among veterans. Going beyond mere symptom reduction and temporary relief; and drawing from clinical research and healing traditions from various cultures, the presenter will discuss ways to clinically define, conceptualize, assess and treat moral injury among veterans.
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Unaffordable Care: Serious Mental Health Challenges

CE Credits: 2.50 Speaker(s): Anne M. Way, MFT; David Ansell; Neil G. Moore, MAMFT Presenters discuss a multidisciplinary treatment approach and training model whereby team members attend to mind, body, and spirit in their formation of a therapeutic alliance. Patients with limited financial resources and serious mental health challenges are a focus of treatment and informatics captures the positive outcomes that emerge from this modality. Implications for training programs will be addressed.
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Using Role Playing Games (RPG) to Enhance Social Skills

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Daniel Rowan and Lucas Scott

Concern has been raised regarding the impact that gaming has on children, teens and some adults. It can be broadly decried because of alleged addictive or isolating qualities. Considering the popularity of gaming, can some forms of it be beneficial to a specific population? Participants, through gameplay and video will learn how role-playing games (RPGs) can be used to work with kids and teens with social differences, addressing the very problems that limit their abilities to work and play with others. Presenters will discuss how players can be made aware of players own strengths and those of others, develop a common strategy, flexibility, accept defeat and working towards group goals Attendees will get a sample page of the mission, a player sheet and the target interventions. Film of an actual game will be shown initially to familiarize attendees with the game
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What’s Next? Surviving and Thriving after Grad School

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Kendra O'Hora and Reagan Smith

MFTs have numerous career options upon graduation. Considering teaching and developing a strong research agenda? Interested in establishing media expertise? Curious how to make six-figures in private practice? Grounded in the professional growth stories of two Millennial MFTs, this session will empower participants to explore their professional innovation in relation to three conventional career trajectories.
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Why Should Therapists Talk about Race, Gender, and Class?

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Manijeh M. Daneshpour, PhD Racism, sexism, classicism, cultural elitism, and oppressive political systems constrain the lives of diverse clients. Discussing these topics impact the power and relational dynamics with clients. The presentation reevaluates the ethics, value, and clinical implications for covering or not covering these topics. Some case examples, and specific recommendations for culturally relevant assessment, treatment, and clinical training will be provided.
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