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Showing 71 - 72 of 72 Results

With Justice for All in a Changing America

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Morris Dees Activist and civil rights speaker Morris Dees discusses how our commitment to justice for all will chart our nation's future as America becomes more diverse, and economic disparity widens. Dees shares his experiences and insights, explaining how and why he became an attorney and founded the Southern Poverty Law Center. Finally, Dees discusses hate crimes across the country and the need for the teaching of tolerance, love, and respect for one another.
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Working Systemically with Nonbinary Clients

Speaker: Alex Iantaffi, PhD, MS, SEP, CST, LMFT
CE Credits: 1.5

This course is provided by the Queer and Trans Advocacy Network; find out more and how to join at

This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of working with nonbinary clients. This will include: an initial brief introduction to terminology, the current WPATH Standards of Care, and dominant treatment protocols for nonbinary clients in the US. We will discuss the issues that nonbinary clients and their families might bring to therapy and how to address these competently and systemically. The role that family therapists might play in the care of nonbinary clients and their families will be addressed, including the role that LMFTs might play in supporting clients who may pursue medical or legal transition processes. The importance of liaising with other providers, such as medical providers, will also be addressed. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own gender histories, identities, and expressions. Ethical issues in relation to power, dominant discourses of gender. and the historical oppression and marginalization of nonbinary people will be woven through the webinar and will be addressed from an intersectional perspective.
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