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Showing 81 - 90 of 105 Results

SFBT with Asian and Asian-American Clients

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Johnny S. Kim This workshop will provide an overview of multicultural practice within Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, especially with Asian and Asian-American clients. Information will be presented on the research of SFBT with Asian and Asian-American clients. Additionally, the workshop will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn and discuss cultural and ethnic values and ways SFBT can be modified to enhance therapeutic alliance and treatment effectiveness.
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SFBT with GLBTQ Children, Youth, and Families

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Marc Coulter; Thorana S. Nelson, PhD This interactive workshop will focus on how to utilize SFBT with GLBTQ children, youth, and families. Participants will increase their knowledge of such topics as transgender youth, coming out, same-sex parenting, adoption, and relationships and how to apply basic SFBT practices to their work with GLBTQ children, youth, and families.
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Signs of Safety Approach to Child Protection Casework

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Andrew Turnell The Signs of Safety model is the leading international approach to collaborative child protection practice and is being implemented in almost 200 statutory agencies across 13 countries. In this workshop, Andrew will present the essential elements of the Signs of Safety model linking the approach to its solution focused and brief therapy roots. The presentation will interweave the model, its application to high risk and complex cases and the organizational change and implementation strategies that enable the approach to be used consistently in practice.
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South Carolina Fall Mini Conference 2020

CE Credits: 3.75 Speakers: Elizabeth Pratt, Elizabeth Martin, Jamesha Williams. Join us as we explore ways to facilitate competent and confident conversations around ethics, race, and self-care in the supervision relationship.

Part 1: Remember to Take Care of Yourself! Ethics and Practice of Self-Care for Therapists and Supervisors. This session will be an interactive presentation on the importance of self-care in ethical practice.

Part 2: Race and the Supervisory Relationship: Ethical Considerations. This session will be a conversation between two Marriage and Family Therapists addressing issues that frequently arise in supervision in regards to race, and how white supervisors, in particular, can increase their competence in this area and ensure ethical practices with all supervisees.

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Spirituality and Ethics in Clinical Practice

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Robert W. Marrs, MS This presentation addresses ethical issues of incorporating spiritual care into clinical practice. The presenter will use the 2015 AAMFT Code of Ethics to help MFT's think through how to competently provide spiritual care both in faith-based and non-sectarian practice settings. This includes such issues as informed consent, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and working with culturally diverse clients.
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Strategies for Securing a Career in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Tai J Mendenhall, PhD; Cathy M. Hudgins, PhD; Randall S. Reitz, PhD When gaining employment in a healthcare setting, it is important to know which positions to apply for, how to get past the human relations/search committee chairpersons who do not understand the scope of practice and reimbursement opportunities for MFTs, and have the self-confidence required to speak to one's training and expertise. Experienced MFTs will share with attendees a series of tips and strategies for getting past the barriers that have historically challenged all behavioral health disciplines, but MFTs particularly.
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Strengthening Family Resilience: Forging Positive Growth

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Froma W. Walsh, PhD Resilience-the human capacity to rebound and grow stronger from adversity-is a vital concept for our work with couples and families struggling to overcome trauma, tragic loss, and multi-stress conditions. Dr. Froma Walsh, the leading international expert on family resilience, will highlight advances and challenges in applying a family resilience framework in clinical and communitybased practice, and describe multi-level approaches in gang prevention/youth development and in refugee mental health services. Her principles-based, collaborative approach and research-informed map of key processes guide therapy to facilitate empowering beliefs and practices, mobilizing relational, multigenerational, cultural, and spiritual resources. Pathways in resilience can yield profound transformation, deepen bonds, and inspire new life possibilities. To explore what we, as therapists, bring to the therapeutic engagement, Dr. Walsh will share reflections on her childhood family adversity and how her own
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Teaching What Works: SFBT Multicultural Competencies

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Elliott E. Connie The presenter of this dynamic workshop will provide a look at other parts of the world in which SFBT research has been collected. We will discuss and provide examples of how to address cultural norms/research in effective practices. Utilizing mock therapy clips, we will be exploring differences with the miracle question, scaling, coping questions, and exceptions.
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Telehealth: Practical Considerations for Getting Started

Credits: 2 Speaker: Brentney Petree

In this two hour webinar, participants will learn best practice information relevant to the rapidly evolving telehealth field. In a time of increased demand for distance therapy, clinicians need to develop competency and comfort with telehealth sessions to be able to better serve their clients. Clients may benefit from the accessibility, ease and convenience of telehealth, while still receiving secure, reliable and confidential care from their therapists. Participants will be directed to several primary resources to help them better navigate the wealth of information available on conducting legally and ethically compliant telehealth. Participants will also be provided with basic troubleshooting techniques to increase their technological competency.
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