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Showing 1 - 10 of 55 Results

2015 Code of Ethics: Emerging Issues in MFT Practice

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Waymon R. Hinson, PhD; James P. Morris, PhD This webinar will provide attendees with information about the following Standards in the AAMFT Code of Ethics: Standard III: Professional Responsibility; Standard VI: Technology-Assisted Professional Services; Standart VII: Professional Evaluations Lead presenter, Waymon Hinson, PhD, will be joined by Roberta Graham, MMFT, to discuss the revisions Standards III, as well as the new additions to the Code, Standard VI and Standard VII, and to address your questions on what the revisions might mean for your practice.
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2015 Code of Ethics: Managing Information in the Practice...

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): James P. Morris, PhD This webinar will provide attendees with information about the revisions to the Preamble in the AAMFT Code of Ethics, as well as the following Standards in the AAMFT Code of Ethics: Standard II: Confidentiality; Standard V: Research and Publication; Standart IX: Advertising Lead presenter, James Morris, PhD, will be joined by Waymon Hinson, PhD, and Roberta Graham, MMFT, to discuss the revisions to the Preamble and these Standards and to address your questions on what the revisions might mean for your practice.
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2015 Code of Ethics: Responsibilities to Clients and Sup...

CE Credits: 1.50 Lead presenter, Dale Bertram, PhD, will be joined by Waymon Hinson, PhD, and Roberta Graham, MMFT, to discuss the revisions to these Standards and to address your questions on what the revisions might mean for your practice. This webinar will provide attendees with information about the revisions to the following Standards in the AAMFT Code of Ethics: Standard I: Responsibility to Clients Standard IV: Responsibility to Students and Supervisees Standard VIII: Financial Arrangements
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AAMFT Travelling Coffee Mug


Adolescent and Family Therapy: Evidence Based Treatment

CE Credits: 4.50 Speaker(s): Howard A. Liddle, EdD Therapists often view evidence-based therapies with skepticism or trepidation. Some consider these approaches as irrelevant to real world clinical work. Addressing these issues head-on and in a practical way, this presentation describes a modular approach to understanding and using an evidence-based treatment. Using a new training video, the presentation illustrates the four core modules of multidimensional family therapy (MDFT), an evidence-based approach for adolescents. We cover the needed knowledge base, change theory, clinical methods, and desirable during-treatment processes within the adolescent, parent, family, and extrafamilial modules of MDFT.
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Alzheimer's Review: Coping with Losing a Loved One

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Terry D. Hargrave, PhD This webinar provides an overview of Alzheimer’s in the United States as well as effective treatment strategies to help families cope with the diagnosis, loss, and grief. Therapeutic methods of life review and life validation as well as reconciliation will be discussed and demonstrated through discussion and role-plays.
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Applying Harm Reduction to Couple and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Demetrius Marcoulides Harm reduction is a client-guided, practical, and flexible framework that therapists can apply to families dealing with drug use. This non-judgmental approach is an alternative to traditional AA/NA models and helps family members collaborate on goal setting while creating buy-in and engagement in therapeutic processes. This workshop will define harm reduction, apply it to MFT, and introduce techniques for practice.
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Building a Solid Base for Practicing in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Jennifer L. Hodgson, PhD; Angela L. Lamson, PhD; Tai J Mendenhall, PhD Attendees looking to collaborate more with medical providers or seek employment in medical settings will want to attend this anchoring workshop. Foundational theories and frameworks will be presented that support successful integration with medical providers. Critical differences in medical and mental health cultures known to impact successful integration will be clarified. Attendees will learn about a continuum that helps track the ways they build and expand their practices and skills.
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Christians Doing Marriage and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Christopher M. Habben Too often, "Christian" is used as an adjective modifying "therapy" rather than as a noun attending to the person of a therapist. This workshop will endeavor to offer a model of conducting therapy consistent with broad Christian assumptions, considerate of ethical obligations, consciously aware of religious injury experienced by others, and sensitive to the multiverse of spiritual experiences.
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Clean, Count, and Check: Family-Based Approach to OCD

CE Credits: 2.50 Speaker(s): Kenneth W. Phelps, PhD Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness where individuals are plagued by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. This workshop will review the role of the family system in remediating challenging symptomatology. A summary of evidence-based treatment for childhood OCD will be provided, as well as application of family therapy concepts to traditional exposure therapy via the 6Es model.
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