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A Roadmap for Couple Therapy

Speaker: Arthur Nielsen
CE Credit: 1.0

This course is provided by the Couples and Intimate Relationships Network; find out more and how to join at

Couple therapy is a complex undertaking that proceeds best by integrating various schools of thought. Grounded in an in-depth review of the clinical and research literature, and drawing on the presenter's 40-plus years of experience, this webinar will present a comprehensive, flexible, and user-friendly roadmap for conducting couple therapy. We begin by describing "Couple Therapy 1.0," the basic conjoint couple therapy format in which partners talk to each other with the help of the therapist. After noting the limitations of this model, we take up upgrades derived from systemic, psychodynamic, and behavioral/educational approaches, and show how to combine and sequence them. The most important upgrade is the early focus on the couple's negative interaction cycle, which causes them pain and impedes their ability to address it. Using clinical case examples, the webinar will show how all three approaches can improve couple process as a prerequisite for better problem solving. Additional modules and sequencing choice points are also discussed, including discernment counseling and encouraging positive couple experiences.
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Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships

This primer on assessing and treating alcohol problems in couple and family therapy settings is the result of a collaboration between the AAMFT and the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The book contains information on the significance and prevalence of alcohol problems, state of the art screening and assessment materials, brief intervention strategies to engage clients who are misusing alcohol, and empirically validated treatment guidelines.

An Overview of the PACT Couple Therapy Model

CE Credit: 1.5 Speaker: Margaret Martin

Join us for an overview of Stan Tatkin's Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT). PACT combines attachment theory, neurobiology, and human arousal regulation to effectively help even the most challenging couples. PACT therapists support couples in developing a secure-functioning relationship. Learn the PACT principles of secure-functioning become familiar with some of the interventions specific to the PACT model.
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Applying Harm Reduction to Couple and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Demetrius Marcoulides Harm reduction is a client-guided, practical, and flexible framework that therapists can apply to families dealing with drug use. This non-judgmental approach is an alternative to traditional AA/NA models and helps family members collaborate on goal setting while creating buy-in and engagement in therapeutic processes. This workshop will define harm reduction, apply it to MFT, and introduce techniques for practice.
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Best Practices in Online Practice of Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Benjamin E. Caldwell, PsyD In this webinar to further explore the guidelines, Dr. Ben Caldwell will describe the work of the Online Therapy workgroup, and how the group was able to develop such clear and specific guidelines for MFTs working online. He'll review how those best practices can be used to develop or update an online practice. Finally, he will respond to member questions about online couple and family therapy. If you are working online now, are planning to start soon, or are considering the possibility for your future, this webinar will help you understand the steps that go along with working online.
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Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy

Online Therapy is rapidly growing in utilization and the early research on its effectiveness is promising. However, many behavioral health providers still appear to lack basic knowledge of their obligations when providing telehealth services, particularly as the legal recognition of these services is rapidly evolving.

Download AAMFT's FREE guidelines to Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy to acquaint yourself with the current regulatory environment and start implementing best practices in your telehealth work today!
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Clinical Updates for Therapists: Volume 3

Peruse the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of MFT. Topics included in this volume are as follows: Bipolar Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Child Abuse and Neglect, Children of Alcoholics, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Families Living with HIV Disease, Genomics and Medical Family Therapy, Grief After the Death of a Child, Marital Distress, Multiracial Families, Online Infidelity, Phobias, Rape Trauma Syndrome in Intimate Relationships, Reducing Divorce Conflicts, Same-Sex Couples, Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, Stepfamilies, Suicide in the Elderly and Transgender.

Competencies for Family Therapists Working w/ SMVF

Competencies for Family Therapists Working with Service Members, Veterans, and their Families

These competencies were developed for family therapists who work in diverse contexts and roles with Service members, Veterans, and their Families across a continuum of systems (e.g., couple, family, service branch) and variety of contexts (e.g., Military Health System, Veterans Health Administration, community health, training programs, research institutes, private practices). This is the first endeavor to systematically develop core competencies pertaining to family therapists who work with Service members, Veterans, and their Families.
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Couples' Experience of Military Deployment

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Adrian J. Blow, PhD; Lisa A. Gorman, PhD; Angela J. Huebner, PhD This presentation will focus on the experiences of couples through a military deployment and reintegration after they return home. Drawing from in-depth qualitative interviews of military couples, the presenters will describe in detail the stories of deployment reported by these couples and the relevance of these stories for prevention and intervention efforts conducted by therapists who work with these couples.
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Coupling within Context: Black Men and Women in Therapy

CE Credits: 3.00 Speaker(s): Christiana I. Awosan, PhD With the drop in marriage rates and raise in singlehood among Black men and women, this population are said to be the most uncoupled group in the United States. This seminar will explore difficulties Black men and women face in coupling. Effective clinical strategies for strengthening relational bonds and moving past the shame connected to racial trauma will be provided. Strong language used. Purchase discretion advised.
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