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Addressing Partner Violence: A Biopsychosocial Approach

Speaker(s): Jonathan Wilson, Damon Rappleyea, Andrew Brimhall, Jennifer Hodgson Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive public health problem with serious health consequences. Previous efforts to address IPV have often neglected members of at-risk populations (e.g., LGBT, racial/ethnic minority groups). Many clinicians opt not to screen for IPV. The purpose of this institute is to equip MFTs to identify clients experiencing IPV and to respond through a biopsychosocial-spiritual lens. No Handouts provided.
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Addressing Suicide among LGBTQ+ Youth

CE credits: 1 Speaker: Judy Russon

Suicide is a growing public health issue among adolescents and young adults. Due to discrimination, stigma, and experiences of rejection, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately affected by suicide. While the majority of LGBTQ+ youth are healthy, resilient and have strong support systems, many experience significant distress without support. The purpose of this webinar is to provide family therapists with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to approach this clinical population with a balance of sensitivity, humility, and self-assuredness. First, two theories will be presented to explain the disproportionate rates of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. Next, a brief review of prominent risk and protective factors will be described. Finally, treatment approaches, designed or adapted for LGBTQ+ youth, will be discussed and illustrated with case examples. Special attention will be paid to systemic models targeting suicidality.
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Affirmative Care with Transgender/Gender Diverse Youth

Speaker: Daran Shipman
CE Credits: 1.0

This course is provided by the Queer and Trans Advocacy Network; find out more and how to join at

Mental health professionals have a unique role to play in medical, legal, and social gender transition options. Drawing from contemporary research and clinical practice, this webinar will provide critical information for mental health clinicians to begin and/or incorporate affirmative practices with transgender/gender diverse youth and their families.
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Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy

Online Therapy is rapidly growing in utilization and the early research on its effectiveness is promising. However, many behavioral health providers still appear to lack basic knowledge of their obligations when providing telehealth services, particularly as the legal recognition of these services is rapidly evolving.

Download AAMFT's FREE guidelines to Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy to acquaint yourself with the current regulatory environment and start implementing best practices in your telehealth work today!
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Bridging Two Worlds: MFTs and Pediatric Oncology

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Morgan Stinson, Andrea Meyer, Bowden Templeton, Deepu George, and Anna Hernandez With the substantial growth of medical family therapy (MedFT), there remains a need for specialized training in unique medical settings. MedFTs often struggle with how to infuse brief systemic work, adapt to patients needs, while also collaborating with a variety of healthcare providers. This workshop discusses key strategies and relevant interventions for working in a pediatric oncology setting.
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Building a Solid Base for Practicing in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Jennifer L. Hodgson, PhD; Angela L. Lamson, PhD; Tai J Mendenhall, PhD Attendees looking to collaborate more with medical providers or seek employment in medical settings will want to attend this anchoring workshop. Foundational theories and frameworks will be presented that support successful integration with medical providers. Critical differences in medical and mental health cultures known to impact successful integration will be clarified. Attendees will learn about a continuum that helps track the ways they build and expand their practices and skills.
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Competencies for Family Therapists Working in Healthcare

As the healthcare industry expands its interest in incorporating behavioral providers into conventionally-biomedical settings, it has compelled major changes in workforce training across all behavioral health disciplines. Several such disciplines have responded to this by creating competencies that guide their members in developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for delivering care.

Download AAMFT’s FREE, Competencies for Family Therapists Working in Healthcare Settings to acquaint yourself with the knowledge and skills to provide care.
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Competencies for Family Therapists Working w/ SMVF

Competencies for Family Therapists Working with Service Members, Veterans, and their Families

These competencies were developed for family therapists who work in diverse contexts and roles with Service members, Veterans, and their Families across a continuum of systems (e.g., couple, family, service branch) and variety of contexts (e.g., Military Health System, Veterans Health Administration, community health, training programs, research institutes, private practices). This is the first endeavor to systematically develop core competencies pertaining to family therapists who work with Service members, Veterans, and their Families.
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Confabulation: A Review for Mental Health Professionals

Confabulation is a problematic memory phenomenon impacting some individuals involved in the mental health system. This phenomenon occurs when an individual creates or backfills a gap in their memory with a fictitious or imagined memory that may be partially based on real events, but taken out of chronological context (e.g., believing the memory occurred yesterday when in reality the memory took place many years prior). Confabulation is done without intent or motivation to deceive or lie. This can range from a slight distortion of an actual event to the nuanced generation of an intricate event. The causal origins of confabulation are unclear, but the combination of cognitive impairments of several disorders (e.g., fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, schizophrenia, traumatic-brain injury, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) and a predisposition to suggestion could be integral in eliciting this phenomenon. Confabulation can also occur among individuals with no known history of neurocognitive impairment, resulting from being asked direct or leading questions during a diagnostic assessment or therapy session. In some instances, confabulated statements can lead to misdiagnosis and the creation of an ineffective treatment plan. As such, training and education related to the impact of confabulation on mental health populations is a priority. This webinar will clearly distinguish confabulation from other potentially related constructs (e.g., suggestibility, delusions, and malingering), review important background information and warning signs for confabulation, and identify strategies and techniques to decrease the likelihood of confabulation during various stages of the mental health system (e.g., intake, screening, assessment, and treatment planning).
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Copy of Membership File - Canadian Members Only

"Canadian members may request and pay for a copy of their archived records here for the purpose of grandfathering under the new College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario. After payment has been received, your record will be pulled and sent as a PDF attachment in one or more emails, depending on the size of your file."