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2015 Code of Ethics: Managing Information in the Practice...

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): James P. Morris, PhD This webinar will provide attendees with information about the revisions to the Preamble in the AAMFT Code of Ethics, as well as the following Standards in the AAMFT Code of Ethics: Standard II: Confidentiality; Standard V: Research and Publication; Standart IX: Advertising Lead presenter, James Morris, PhD, will be joined by Waymon Hinson, PhD, and Roberta Graham, MMFT, to discuss the revisions to the Preamble and these Standards and to address your questions on what the revisions might mean for your practice.
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A Roadmap for Couple Therapy

Speaker: Arthur Nielsen
CE Credit: 1.0

This course is provided by the Couples and Intimate Relationships Network; find out more and how to join at

Couple therapy is a complex undertaking that proceeds best by integrating various schools of thought. Grounded in an in-depth review of the clinical and research literature, and drawing on the presenter's 40-plus years of experience, this webinar will present a comprehensive, flexible, and user-friendly roadmap for conducting couple therapy. We begin by describing "Couple Therapy 1.0," the basic conjoint couple therapy format in which partners talk to each other with the help of the therapist. After noting the limitations of this model, we take up upgrades derived from systemic, psychodynamic, and behavioral/educational approaches, and show how to combine and sequence them. The most important upgrade is the early focus on the couple's negative interaction cycle, which causes them pain and impedes their ability to address it. Using clinical case examples, the webinar will show how all three approaches can improve couple process as a prerequisite for better problem solving. Additional modules and sequencing choice points are also discussed, including discernment counseling and encouraging positive couple experiences.
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Affirmative Care with Transgender/Gender Diverse Youth

Speaker: Daran Shipman
CE Credits: 1.0

This course is provided by the Queer and Trans Advocacy Network; find out more and how to join at

Mental health professionals have a unique role to play in medical, legal, and social gender transition options. Drawing from contemporary research and clinical practice, this webinar will provide critical information for mental health clinicians to begin and/or incorporate affirmative practices with transgender/gender diverse youth and their families.
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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of MFT

Speaker(s): Aaron Cohn and Katherine Hertlein Artificial Intelligence is transforming every part of our profession, including process, training, research, and delivery. Understanding the reciprocal influence of A.I. and client systems requires a systemic lens. To help position MFTs as leaders in this technological revolution, our presentation provides both an overview of state-of-the-art computerized psychotherapy and an examination of how AI technologies already influence client systems.
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Becoming Better Therapists: Intervention Science in MFT

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Ryan B. Seedall, PhD; Adrian J. Blow, PhD; Karen S. Wampler, PhD; Andrea K. Wittenborn, PhD; Guy S Diamond, PhD; Quintin Hunt, MS There is a substantial amount of high quality, clinically-relevant intervention science occurring within MFT. This workshop will highlight some of that great work that is being done and how it can enhance clinical effectiveness. Specifically, it will feature a panel of five MFT scholars who will summarize their intervention work while also identifying the many potential avenues for additional research.
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Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy

Online Therapy is rapidly growing in utilization and the early research on its effectiveness is promising. However, many behavioral health providers still appear to lack basic knowledge of their obligations when providing telehealth services, particularly as the legal recognition of these services is rapidly evolving.

Download AAMFT's FREE guidelines to Best Practices in the Online Practice of Couple and Family Therapy to acquaint yourself with the current regulatory environment and start implementing best practices in your telehealth work today!
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Beyond Borders: Reunifying Families in Family Therapy

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Ashley Landers, Jessica Simpson, Noah Gagner, Brittany Robinson, and Bertranna Muruthi

In the wake of family separation by immigration, parental incarceration, child maltreatment, foster care, and adoption, this workshop illuminates the complex experiences of reunifying families. Implications for family therapists working with reunifying families will be explored. The experiences of reunifying families, current research, and the application of family therapy models can offer guidance to MFTs to better serve reunifying families.
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Clinical Updates for Therapists: Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4

These publications contain all AAMFT Clinical Updates that were published from 1999-2010. Enjoy a comprehensive collection of the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of marriage and family therapy.
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Clinical Updates for Therapists: Volume 1

Peruse the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of MFT. Topics included in this volume are as follows: Adolescent Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Adolescent Substance Abuse, Alcohol Use Disorders, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Bereavement and Loss, Children and Divorce, Children’s Attachment Relationships, Chronic Illness, Depression, Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Infertility, Infidelity, Male Sexual Dysfunction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior.

Clinical Updates for Therapists: Volume 2

Peruse the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of MFT. Topics included in this volume are as follows: Adolescent Self-Harm, Adoption Challenges, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anger in Therapy, Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors, Borderline Personality Disorder, Caregiving for the Elderly, Childhood Onset Mental Illness, Intrafamilial Childhood Sexual Abuse, Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Postpartum Depression and Premarital Assessment.