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"Therapy of the Absurd": An Introduction to Play Therapy

Speaker: Michael Whitehead
CE Credits: 1.0

This course is provided by the Systemic Therapy Across the Lifespan Network; find out more and how to join at

Play Therapy is an evidence-based intervention method that utilizes the natural language of children to accomplish therapeutic goals. The roots of Family Therapy included children in most, if not all, sessions to achieve the results of systemic therapy. A pioneer in family therapy, Dr. Nathan Ackerman, stated that, "without engaging the children in a meaningful interchange across the generations, there can be no family therapy." Family therapists often get little-to-no training in how to involve children in family therapy. This webinar will introduce Systemic Play Therapy as one intervention to use to start including children in family therapy sessions.
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Addressing Suicide among LGBTQ+ Youth

CE credits: 1 Speaker: Judy Russon

Suicide is a growing public health issue among adolescents and young adults. Due to discrimination, stigma, and experiences of rejection, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately affected by suicide. While the majority of LGBTQ+ youth are healthy, resilient and have strong support systems, many experience significant distress without support. The purpose of this webinar is to provide family therapists with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to approach this clinical population with a balance of sensitivity, humility, and self-assuredness. First, two theories will be presented to explain the disproportionate rates of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. Next, a brief review of prominent risk and protective factors will be described. Finally, treatment approaches, designed or adapted for LGBTQ+ youth, will be discussed and illustrated with case examples. Special attention will be paid to systemic models targeting suicidality.
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Adolescent and Family Therapy: Evidence Based Treatment

CE Credits: 4.50 Speaker(s): Howard A. Liddle, EdD Therapists often view evidence-based therapies with skepticism or trepidation. Some consider these approaches as irrelevant to real world clinical work. Addressing these issues head-on and in a practical way, this presentation describes a modular approach to understanding and using an evidence-based treatment. Using a new training video, the presentation illustrates the four core modules of multidimensional family therapy (MDFT), an evidence-based approach for adolescents. We cover the needed knowledge base, change theory, clinical methods, and desirable during-treatment processes within the adolescent, parent, family, and extrafamilial modules of MDFT.
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Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships

CE Credits: 4.00 Book sold seperately. This course is a resource for marriage and family therapists, who in their clinical work are likely to see clients who are experiencing, or are at-risk of experiencing, alcohol-related problems. Participants will read the book "Alcohol Problems in Intimate relationships: Identification and Intervention - A Guide for Marriage and Family Therapists" by Linda J. Roberts, Ph.D. and Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. After reading the text, participants will return to this site to take the online test.
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An Advanced Look at Polyamory and Kink Lifestyles in Therapy

In this seminar, the presenter will describe a sexual ethics model and offer case studies that further explore the basic concepts. Beyond the basic language and creating a sex positive treatment approach, how can therapists really learn to offer competent treatment? The topics covered in this webinar are: boundaries, negotiating and renegotiating contracts both verbal and written, case studies, power dynamics, and kink/poly in relation to trauma. A unique case study in which a client used kink to treat their trauma and become more comfortable sexually will be discussed.
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An Overview of the PACT Couple Therapy Model

CE Credit: 1.5 Speaker: Margaret Martin

Join us for an overview of Stan Tatkin's Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT). PACT combines attachment theory, neurobiology, and human arousal regulation to effectively help even the most challenging couples. PACT therapists support couples in developing a secure-functioning relationship. Learn the PACT principles of secure-functioning become familiar with some of the interventions specific to the PACT model.
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Applying Harm Reduction to Couple and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Demetrius Marcoulides Harm reduction is a client-guided, practical, and flexible framework that therapists can apply to families dealing with drug use. This non-judgmental approach is an alternative to traditional AA/NA models and helps family members collaborate on goal setting while creating buy-in and engagement in therapeutic processes. This workshop will define harm reduction, apply it to MFT, and introduce techniques for practice.
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Becoming Better Therapists: Intervention Science in MFT

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Ryan B. Seedall, PhD; Adrian J. Blow, PhD; Karen S. Wampler, PhD; Andrea K. Wittenborn, PhD; Guy S Diamond, PhD; Quintin Hunt, MS There is a substantial amount of high quality, clinically-relevant intervention science occurring within MFT. This workshop will highlight some of that great work that is being done and how it can enhance clinical effectiveness. Specifically, it will feature a panel of five MFT scholars who will summarize their intervention work while also identifying the many potential avenues for additional research.
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Beyond Borders: Reunifying Families in Family Therapy

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Ashley Landers, Jessica Simpson, Noah Gagner, Brittany Robinson, and Bertranna Muruthi

In the wake of family separation by immigration, parental incarceration, child maltreatment, foster care, and adoption, this workshop illuminates the complex experiences of reunifying families. Implications for family therapists working with reunifying families will be explored. The experiences of reunifying families, current research, and the application of family therapy models can offer guidance to MFTs to better serve reunifying families.
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Clinical Updates for Therapists: Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4

These publications contain all AAMFT Clinical Updates that were published from 1999-2010. Enjoy a comprehensive collection of the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of marriage and family therapy.
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