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Showing 1 - 10 of 49 Results

Addressing Suicide among LGBTQ+ Youth

CE credits: 1 Speaker: Judy Russon

Suicide is a growing public health issue among adolescents and young adults. Due to discrimination, stigma, and experiences of rejection, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately affected by suicide. While the majority of LGBTQ+ youth are healthy, resilient and have strong support systems, many experience significant distress without support. The purpose of this webinar is to provide family therapists with an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed to approach this clinical population with a balance of sensitivity, humility, and self-assuredness. First, two theories will be presented to explain the disproportionate rates of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. Next, a brief review of prominent risk and protective factors will be described. Finally, treatment approaches, designed or adapted for LGBTQ+ youth, will be discussed and illustrated with case examples. Special attention will be paid to systemic models targeting suicidality.
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Adolescent and Family Therapy: Evidence Based Treatment

CE Credits: 4.50 Speaker(s): Howard A. Liddle, EdD Therapists often view evidence-based therapies with skepticism or trepidation. Some consider these approaches as irrelevant to real world clinical work. Addressing these issues head-on and in a practical way, this presentation describes a modular approach to understanding and using an evidence-based treatment. Using a new training video, the presentation illustrates the four core modules of multidimensional family therapy (MDFT), an evidence-based approach for adolescents. We cover the needed knowledge base, change theory, clinical methods, and desirable during-treatment processes within the adolescent, parent, family, and extrafamilial modules of MDFT.
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Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships

This primer on assessing and treating alcohol problems in couple and family therapy settings is the result of a collaboration between the AAMFT and the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The book contains information on the significance and prevalence of alcohol problems, state of the art screening and assessment materials, brief intervention strategies to engage clients who are misusing alcohol, and empirically validated treatment guidelines.

Alzheimer's Review: Coping with Losing a Loved One

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Terry D. Hargrave, PhD This webinar provides an overview of Alzheimer’s in the United States as well as effective treatment strategies to help families cope with the diagnosis, loss, and grief. Therapeutic methods of life review and life validation as well as reconciliation will be discussed and demonstrated through discussion and role-plays.
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An Advanced Look at Polyamory and Kink Lifestyles in Therapy

In this seminar, the presenter will describe a sexual ethics model and offer case studies that further explore the basic concepts. Beyond the basic language and creating a sex positive treatment approach, how can therapists really learn to offer competent treatment? The topics covered in this webinar are: boundaries, negotiating and renegotiating contracts both verbal and written, case studies, power dynamics, and kink/poly in relation to trauma. A unique case study in which a client used kink to treat their trauma and become more comfortable sexually will be discussed.
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Beyond Borders: Reunifying Families in Family Therapy

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Ashley Landers, Jessica Simpson, Noah Gagner, Brittany Robinson, and Bertranna Muruthi

In the wake of family separation by immigration, parental incarceration, child maltreatment, foster care, and adoption, this workshop illuminates the complex experiences of reunifying families. Implications for family therapists working with reunifying families will be explored. The experiences of reunifying families, current research, and the application of family therapy models can offer guidance to MFTs to better serve reunifying families.
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Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for MFTs

CE Credits: 4.00 Speaker(s): Michael G. Pipich, MS Bipolar disorder patients wait an average of nearly 10 years for proper treatment. In this presentation, participants will learn bipolar diagnostic applications and a three-phase approach to bipolar therapy. Techniques to treat denial and improve acceptance among bipolar patients and families are presented, along with collaborative and educational models to improve treatment outcomes towards long term disease management.
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Brief Assessment: Working Effectively with Sex Issues

Speaker: Martha Kauppi Sex issues are often complex, overlapping, distressing, and confusing for all. This forum will introduce an original brief assessment tool that offers a concise, elegant method of sorting information, understanding interconnected symptoms, identifying potentially dangerous medical issues, making skilled referrals, and prioritizing treatment. In this skills-based presentation, demonstration and Q&A will help increase confidence by applying the material right away.
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Clean, Count, and Check: Family-Based Approach to OCD

CE Credits: 2.50 Speaker(s): Kenneth W. Phelps, PhD Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness where individuals are plagued by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. This workshop will review the role of the family system in remediating challenging symptomatology. A summary of evidence-based treatment for childhood OCD will be provided, as well as application of family therapy concepts to traditional exposure therapy via the 6Es model.
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Collaborative Care of Maltreated Youth

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Mr. Bruce J. Burkland, MA; Cindy Knight; Thomas D. Concannon, M.A.M.F.T .; Chris Moll This session will focus on Marriage and Family Therapists developing relationships between clients, professionals, and agencies involved in the treatment of maltreated children and their families. The workshop will include a review of the importance of relationship, explore how relationship building happens in the clinical setting and parallel processes throughout the system, and identify how to put practices into action.
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