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Showing 1 - 10 of 58 Results

A Daughter Who Needs a Mother

This session, recorded in 1991 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and digitally remastered in 2009, features Harry Aponte conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family is an African American mother and her children struggling with poverty and a legacy of deprivation. The session is a demonstration of the Eco-System Model, incorporating class, racial and ethnic experiences of both the family and therapist. Mother lacks confidence and skill to parent her children, forcing her 14-year-old daughter to do so. After running away from home to pursue the attention of older men, her actions culminate in a suicide gesture. An experience is created for the mother to reach out to her daughter. Approx. Time: 87 minutes

Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships

CE Credits: 4.00 Book sold seperately. This course is a resource for marriage and family therapists, who in their clinical work are likely to see clients who are experiencing, or are at-risk of experiencing, alcohol-related problems. Participants will read the book "Alcohol Problems in Intimate relationships: Identification and Intervention - A Guide for Marriage and Family Therapists" by Linda J. Roberts, Ph.D. and Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. After reading the text, participants will return to this site to take the online test.
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Christians Doing Marriage and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Christopher M. Habben Too often, "Christian" is used as an adjective modifying "therapy" rather than as a noun attending to the person of a therapist. This workshop will endeavor to offer a model of conducting therapy consistent with broad Christian assumptions, considerate of ethical obligations, consciously aware of religious injury experienced by others, and sensitive to the multiverse of spiritual experiences.
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Clinical Updates for Therapists: Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4

These publications contain all AAMFT Clinical Updates that were published from 1999-2010. Enjoy a comprehensive collection of the most current research findings and therapeutic implications for prevalent clinical problems in the practice of marriage and family therapy.
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Collaborative Care of Maltreated Youth

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Mr. Bruce J. Burkland, MA; Cindy Knight; Thomas D. Concannon, M.A.M.F.T .; Chris Moll This session will focus on Marriage and Family Therapists developing relationships between clients, professionals, and agencies involved in the treatment of maltreated children and their families. The workshop will include a review of the importance of relationship, explore how relationship building happens in the clinical setting and parallel processes throughout the system, and identify how to put practices into action.
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Coupling within Context: Black Men and Women in Therapy

CE Credits: 3.00 Speaker(s): Christiana I. Awosan, PhD With the drop in marriage rates and raise in singlehood among Black men and women, this population are said to be the most uncoupled group in the United States. This seminar will explore difficulties Black men and women face in coupling. Effective clinical strategies for strengthening relational bonds and moving past the shame connected to racial trauma will be provided. Strong language used. Purchase discretion advised.
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Cultural Neuroscience: Child and Adolescent Brain Developmnt

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Manijeh Daneshpour, PhD; Iman Dadras, PhD Cultural neuroscience has the potential to shed light on how social and cultural contexts interact with brain development. Drawing on insights from psychology, sociology, and anthropology this presentation focuses on children and adolescent brain and discusses cultural context of neuroscience research to examine critical ways that marriage and family therapists can utilize this information in working with families.
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Demystifying Writing for Publication in MFT

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Fred P. Piercy, PhD; Hoa N. Nguyen This workshop is intended for those who wish to be successful in writing for publication in the field of marriage and family therapy. We will demystify the publication process as well as the thinking and skills necessary for participants to be successful, published authors of scholarly MFT articles.
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Discernment Counseling for Couples Considering Divorce

CE Credits: 4.00 Speaker(s): William J. Doherty, PhD; Steven M. Harris, PhD Couples and therapists often get stuck when spouses show up uncertain about whether to try therapy, let alone whether to stay married. This institute will present a field-tested protocol for “discernment counseling” that helps couples explore the decision about divorcing or trying a course of therapy and other services to see if they restore their marriage to health. *No handouts are available for this course*
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Doing Well While Doing Good: What You Can Do as a MFT

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Anne H. Rambo, PhD; Tommie V. Boyd, PhD The master's degree in marriage and family therapy is a highly marketable degree in a variety of settings, yet recent graduates are at times unaware of their options. Participants will learn the results of a nationwide survey of MFT graduates and hear about a wide range of of employment possibilities. The presenters will discuss career tracks, pros and cons of each, and how to access opportunities nationwide.
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