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Addressing Marginalization and Oppression in Therapy

Speaker: Una Henry

As conversations around race become more and more charged, it is important to learn how to engage white men in conversations around marginalization and oppression. However, in light of the prevalence of white fragility, it can be difficult to get white male clients to be willing to engage in this conversation. This workshop will break down how to get white male clients to soften and be vulnerable enough to engage in difficult conversations around marginalization and oppression.
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Advancing the Profession: Integrating Common Factors

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Eli A. Karam, PhD; Adrian J. Blow, PhD This workshop will focus infusing a common factors (CF) approach into MFT training and professional development. Participants will understand the clinical and empirical rationale behind a moderate CF perspective, see several examples of established common factor courses in COAMFTE masters and doctoral programs, and learn specific CF teaching, supervisory, and clinical strategies related to MFT Core Competencies.
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Applying Harm Reduction to Couple and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Demetrius Marcoulides Harm reduction is a client-guided, practical, and flexible framework that therapists can apply to families dealing with drug use. This non-judgmental approach is an alternative to traditional AA/NA models and helps family members collaborate on goal setting while creating buy-in and engagement in therapeutic processes. This workshop will define harm reduction, apply it to MFT, and introduce techniques for practice.
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Becoming Better Therapists: Intervention Science in MFT

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Ryan B. Seedall, PhD; Adrian J. Blow, PhD; Karen S. Wampler, PhD; Andrea K. Wittenborn, PhD; Guy S Diamond, PhD; Quintin Hunt, MS There is a substantial amount of high quality, clinically-relevant intervention science occurring within MFT. This workshop will highlight some of that great work that is being done and how it can enhance clinical effectiveness. Specifically, it will feature a panel of five MFT scholars who will summarize their intervention work while also identifying the many potential avenues for additional research.
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Beyond Borders: Reunifying Families in Family Therapy

*This course has been edited from a live event. Moments of low volume and discussion may occur*

Presenters: Ashley Landers, Jessica Simpson, Noah Gagner, Brittany Robinson, and Bertranna Muruthi

In the wake of family separation by immigration, parental incarceration, child maltreatment, foster care, and adoption, this workshop illuminates the complex experiences of reunifying families. Implications for family therapists working with reunifying families will be explored. The experiences of reunifying families, current research, and the application of family therapy models can offer guidance to MFTs to better serve reunifying families.
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Bridging Two Worlds: MFTs and Pediatric Oncology

CE Credits: 1.00 Speaker(s): Morgan Stinson, Andrea Meyer, Bowden Templeton, Deepu George, and Anna Hernandez With the substantial growth of medical family therapy (MedFT), there remains a need for specialized training in unique medical settings. MedFTs often struggle with how to infuse brief systemic work, adapt to patients needs, while also collaborating with a variety of healthcare providers. This workshop discusses key strategies and relevant interventions for working in a pediatric oncology setting.
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Building a Solid Base for Practicing in a Healthcare Setting

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Jennifer L. Hodgson, PhD; Angela L. Lamson, PhD; Tai J Mendenhall, PhD Attendees looking to collaborate more with medical providers or seek employment in medical settings will want to attend this anchoring workshop. Foundational theories and frameworks will be presented that support successful integration with medical providers. Critical differences in medical and mental health cultures known to impact successful integration will be clarified. Attendees will learn about a continuum that helps track the ways they build and expand their practices and skills.
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Building International Relationships in Family Therapy

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Marisol Garcia, PhD; Teresa P. McDowell, EdD; Andrae L. Brown, PhD; Pilar Hernandez-Wolfe, PhD In this workshop, presenters will discuss their work in developing collaborative and long-term relationships with family therapy and counseling professionals in countries located in the global south. Presenters will also discuss a framework for professional collaboration across cultures; core elements of the family therapy field; and consider how culture, politics, history, and economics influence the process of sharing work across cultural groups.
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Building Pathways of Success for Latinas in MFT

CE Credits: 2.00 Speaker(s): Laura M. Ganci, MS; Shelley Green, PhD This workshop will describe a recently conducted original study that was designed to explore the lived experience of Latinas training in MFT. Participants will learn about the wide range of complex, rich, and sometimes challenging experiences of Latinas as they aim to succeed in academia, how gender and the Latino culture play a role, and implications for training.
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Christians Doing Marriage and Family Therapy

CE Credits: 1.50 Speaker(s): Christopher M. Habben Too often, "Christian" is used as an adjective modifying "therapy" rather than as a noun attending to the person of a therapist. This workshop will endeavor to offer a model of conducting therapy consistent with broad Christian assumptions, considerate of ethical obligations, consciously aware of religious injury experienced by others, and sensitive to the multiverse of spiritual experiences.
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