COAMFTE Accreditation Forms

The Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) requires programs pursuing renewal of accreditation, initial accreditation, or maintenance of accreditation to use the forms linked below. A short description of the individual forms contained in each link is posted to provide guidance for each form. If you have any questions feel free to contact the COAMFTE staff at

Application - Submit with Letter of Intent

Eligibility Criteria Report

  • Eligibility Criteria Narrative Template Program's response to each of the Eligibility Criterion.
  • Eligibility Criteria Narrative Template Version 12.5
    • Note: Programs seeking initial or renewal of accreditation that are scheduled to submit Eligibility Criteria in 2021 have the option of submitting for compliance review under COAMFTE Standards Version 12 or the new COAMFTE Standards Version 12.5. if you would like to be reviewed under COAMFTE Standards Version 12.5, please inform COAMFTE at your earliest convenience at

Self-Study Forms

Site Visit Forms

  • Site Visit Information Form Communicates three possible dates for a Site Visit to occur in the next Site Visit cycle, lists any active Site Visitors with whom the program has a known conflict of interest, and assures confidentiality of Site Visit information exchanged.
  • Site Visit Agenda - Single Program Outlines the meeting times the Site Visit Team will have while at the applicant program
  • Site Visit Agenda - Dual Program Outlines the meeting times the Site Visit Team will have while at the applicant program

Maintenance of Accreditation Forms (Standards Version 11 and 12)

  • Annual Report Form Report on graduation rates, licensure information, program composition, etc.
  • Annual Report Guide Guide to the form linked above
  • Branch Campus Form Programs with new or non-accredited branch campuses complete this form to start the accreditation process for branch campuses
  • Request for Extension Form Programs requesting an extension for a Self-Study, Annual Report, etc must provide the exact extension request and rationale utilizing this form
  • Substantive Change Before a substantive change is included in an accredited program, programs must receive COAMFTE approval by completing this form
  • Special Report Form Form to provide a response to SAC deficiencies and plan for compliance
  • Plan for Closure Programs closing must report to COAMFTE on their close-out plan with special attention given to students currently enrolled 
  • Inactive Status Request Form

Examples for Reporting required COAMFTE Data