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A Daughter Who Needs a Mother

This session, recorded in 1991 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and digitally remastered in 2009, features Harry Aponte conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family is an African American mother and her children struggling with poverty and a legacy of deprivation. The session is a demonstration of the Eco-System Model, incorporating class, racial and ethnic experiences of both the family and therapist. Mother lacks confidence and skill to parent her children, forcing her 14-year-old daughter to do so. After running away from home to pursue the attention of older men, her actions culminate in a suicide gesture. An experience is created for the mother to reach out to her daughter. Approx. Time: 87 minutes

Escape from Bickering DVD

This session, recorded in 1989 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and digitally re-mastered in 2007, features Michael White conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family includes an 18-year-old institutionalized for fire-setting. Through circular strategic and reflexive questions and techniques of externalizing and mapping the influence of problems, the family is helped to discover new information about themselves. Concentration is on the bickering between siblings and the theme of protest that bonds the family to systems that patholize them. A reflecting team is used to consolidate the family’s “new story” which emerges in the session. Approx. Time: 134 minutes

I Would Like to Call You Mother

This session, recorded in 1988 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and digitally remastered in 2009, features Ivan Boszmormenyi-Nagy conduct­ing a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family includes four generations consisting of a delinquent adolescent, his chronically psychotic mother, grandparents and great-grand mother. Instead of reframes, paradoxical injunctions or restructuring, Nagy’s model employs multidirected partiality, which includes discuss­ing and acknowledging everyone’s positive contributions to counter their mistrust, blaming and self-defeating invisible loyalties. Approx. Time: 115 minutes

The Lost Boy

This session, recorded in 1984 by the American Association for marriage and Family Therapy, features Virginia Satir conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family is a large intact family with ten children whose presenting problem is the grief following the loss of one of their children who is missing a year after his abduction. During this experimental session, the family is emotionally and physically engaged through use of stairs, touch, and positioning to reflect the mourning, intersibling rivalry and distances of the father. The DVD offers an excellent demonstration of Satir's open, directive, and special style. Approx. Time: 86 minutes

Unfolding the Laundry

This live therapy session, recorded in 1984 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and digitally re-mastered in 2007, features Salvador Minuchin conducting a live family therapy session with a family. The featured family is a large, blended, recently married couple with dual-careers and five stepchildren. The identified patient is the youngest son (age 11) who is acting out. After defocusing attention on the identified patient and re-labeling much of the sibling behavior, attention is focused on the couple. The use of simplicity and humor to lure the family into desiring the necessary change and following the family's lead in defining the problem illustrates Minuchin's expert ability at not being an expert. Approx. Time: 87 minutes

Usefulness of Non-Presenting Symptoms

This session, recorded in 1986 by the American Association for marriage and Family Therapy and digitally remastered in 2009, features Carl Whitaker conducting a live, unedited therapy session with a family. The featured family includes a grandmother, mother of two preadolescent sons. The women are recent widows and the boys were abused by their deceased alcoholic father. Through pushing and then drawing the family in, intergenerational rules that hypnotize people to act in destructive ways are searched out. Themes of suicidal behavior, depression, unresolved grief and obesity become apparent as the family is challenged to deal with issues in a healthier fashion. Approx. Time: 130 minutes